Friday, April 27, 2012

Family or not family? That is the question!

There are so many factors involved with the family as a whole. Before this class I kind of looked at a few of these things as black and white. You either did or you didn't, there wasn't too much in between. Little did I know there are not only greys, but pinks and greens and everything in between when it comes to the trends, the myths, what is right for each person, the list goes on. I've already had the opportunity of taking a few other family classes, so I thought I had a pretty good understanding of what it all consists of. Boy, was I wrong! And it is so nice to be gaining so much more insight in just one class alone. I enjoyed last class in particular thus far, the demographics mattering. I had no idea just how it would effect as many people (and their families) as it does. So we know it effects us (through big or small ways,but it does), now I'm excited to hear what are our solutions to these issues are going to be. And not just out there either, I'm talking in the classroom, starting with each individual person...