Monday, June 11, 2012

Love, true love!

This was fun to learn about the specific 4 types of love. It is so true. You have to have all four for this love (true or consemmate) to work. And this love should be reserved specifically for you spouse. Have a love for people but not all four. For an eternal companion you should have friendly love, parent child type love, romantic and unconditional love. And be very careful because sometimes what you think is love, isn't. You could have intimacy but lack the passion and commitment. Likewise, you can just have commitment and lack passion and intimacy. Levels will change but it is so vital and important that we work on each one individually and make sure the other person knows (tell him or her at times), and show as well at appropriate times and situations. We must rise above what "animals" do. We are so much more than that. Choose who you love and love who you choose.

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